The Guide to Choosing Hurricane-Impact Doors

The Guide to Choosing Hurricane-Impact Doors

If you live in a hurricane-prone area, such as southern Florida, you may be wondering how to upgrade your home to make it as weather-proof and damage resistant as possible. While you can certainly board up when a storm alert is issued, you may not always have time to reinforce your home as much as you would like. 

That is why you should consider building or upgrading your home to be passively hurricane resistant in the case of an emergency with little time to spare, and one way you can do that is by adding hurricane-impact doors around your home. Here is your guide to choosing the right hurricane-impact doors to protect your home from violent weather and storms. 

What are Hurricane-Impact Doors?

Hurricane-impact doors offer special features that make them extra resistant to damage from hurricanes and tropical storms and protect your home. These doors come with tougher glass than what you normally find in most doors with glass components, and they are paired with stronger frames and materials that can withstand powerful winds and impact from flying projectiles and debris. If you like front doors with glass components or have glass patio doors, investing in hurricane-impact doors can greatly boost the durability of your home and help keep you safe in the event of an emergency. 

More Durable Glass

One of the most important elements in a hurricane-impact door is the durability of the glass. Regular glass used in a lot of patio and front doors may shatter upon impact from flying debris, but with laminated or impact-resistant glass, this is not a concern. Unlike normal glass, laminated glass features a flexible polymer layer between two or more panes of glass that acts like a sticky membrane that will hold the glass together when it shatters. 

This will help protect anyone inside who might be near the door from flying sharp glass bits that are extremely dangerous and a real risk with regular glass components. Be sure to check the impact rating and manufacturer details when choosing hurricane-impact doors for your home. 

Stronger Door Frames

While more durable glass is usually among the top concerns for many people, the frame is just as important. Consider investing in vinyl or aluminum door frames, as these are among the toughest materials available and allow for a wide selection of customization opportunities. Stronger door frames will allow the doors to function optimally and protect your home in the event of extreme weather conditions, so be sure to invest in upgrading the entire door unit for the best results. 

You May Need to Meet Building Codes 

In many places, such as Florida, there are strict building codes to ensure homes are adequately prepared and resistant to damage from extreme weather and exterior elements. Hurricane-impact doors will allow you to meet these requirements and protect your home in the event of a powerful storm. Just be sure to check with the manufacturer’s details to ensure their products offer the level of protection you need and meet your city’s building codes for optimal safety.  

Check the Warranty 

Hurricane-impact doors are more costly than standard doors to install. This is to be expected, as their purpose is to protect your home from extreme weather, and you can protect your investment by making sure they come with a good warranty in case they are damaged by a particularly powerful hurricane. Many reputable brands offer warranties on their products, but make sure to check the details before you invest in one brand over another. 

Hire Professionals for Installation 

Hiring professionals is the best way to ensure everything is working properly to keep you safe in the event of a hurricane. If you are looking for durable and reliable hurricane-impact doors for your home, Panorama Windows & Doors offers quality hurricane-impact doors for the residents of south Florida. Contact us today to get started!